[Product listing with clickable inputs][1] i'm building a webshop system, and i would like to see on the product page that if a user selects a product size, the price will be displayed of the selected size..
Only the last displayed input works when i click on it.
Product listing with size inputs: https://i.sstatic.net/Wo6Oq.png
$count = 0;
foreach($original_array as $order_list){
if($order_list['aantal'] == 0 || $order_list['aantal'] == ''){
$disableValue = 'disable';
if($count == 2){
$checked = 'checked=""';
<div class="sc-item">
<input type="radio" name="variatie_maat[]" value="<?=$order_list['maat'];?>" onclick="myFunction();" id="<?=$order_list['maat'];?>-maat" <?=$disableValue;?> <?=$checked;?>>
<label for="<?=$order_list['maat'];?>-maat"><?=$order_list['maat'];?></label>
<input style="display:none;" value="<?=$order_list['prijs'];?>" id="prijs-<?=$order_list['prijs'];?>" name="variatie_prijs[]">
// Here the value is stored in new variable x
function myFunction() {
var x =
"price").innerHTML = x;
Try this.
$count = 0;
foreach($original_array as $order_list){
if($order_list['aantal'] == 0 || $order_list['aantal'] == ''){
$disableValue = 'disable';
if($count == 2){
$checked = 'checked=""';
<div class="sc-item">
<input type="radio" name="variatie_maat[]" value="<?=$order_list['maat'];?>" onclick="myFunction('<?=$order_list['prijs'];?>');" id="<?=$order_list['maat'];?>-maat" <?=$disableValue;?> <?=$checked;?>>
<label for="<?=$order_list['maat'];?>-maat"><?=$order_list['maat'];?></label>
<input style="display:none;" value="<?=$order_list['prijs'];?>" id="prijs-<?=$order_list['prijs'];?>" name="variatie_prijs[]">
function myFunction(id) {
var x = document.getElementById("prijs-" + id).value;
document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = x;