AppCode 2019.3.5 Build #OC-193.6494.48, built on February 12, 2020
Swift 5.0
CocoaPods 1.8.3
- Type: CDN
- URL:
- Path: /Users/***/.cocoapods/repos/cocoapods-
- Type: git (master)
- URL: https://git.private pod***.git
- Path: /Users/***/.cocoapods/repos/ModuleSpecs
- Type: git (master)
- URL: https://git.private pod***.git
- Path: /Users/***/.cocoapods/repos/Specs
source 'https://git.private pod***.git'
source ''
workspace 'IM.xcworkspace'
platform :ios, '10.0'
install! 'cocoapods',
:preserve_pod_file_structure => true,
:generate_multiple_pod_projects => true
# :incremental_installation => true
target 'IM' do
project 'IM/IM.xcodeproj'
# pod some private component
pod 'Kingfisher'
pod 'M13Checkbox'
pod 'IQKeyboardManagerSwift'
pod 'MJRefresh'
target 'Router' do
project 'Router/Router.xcodeproj'
# pod some private component
When I run my project using AppCode and manage third-party libraries through CocoaPods, I cannot use the code in the third-party library in the editor. but the project can run successfully! ?
Take a piece of code from Kingfisher
as an example:
import Kingfisher
imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL (string: ""))
with cmd + left click
to preview Kingfisher's codekf
in code hints, Means I need to manually write any method I need without any hintcmd + left click
on the setImage (with:)
method, AppCode prompts Cannot find declaration to go toHowever, with the exception of the second point, none of the above problems have occurred in my private pods, that is, only the pods in the CDN source (cocoapods-
) have the above problems.
This has had a big impact on my development ... How can I solve this problem?
I now suspect that there is a problem with the configuration of the CocoaPods in my AppCode.
Because a friend of mine's Preferences-> CocoaPods settings are shown below. The pod with the CDN source is included in the settings, and there are tips about the CDN source
But what I see below is that it only contains my private pods, no information about the shared pods, and no tips about the CDN
After I executed Clean
,Clean Build Folder
, Invalidate Caches
numerous times, although the relevant code is still not highlighted, I can click to view the statement.
I do n’t know which operation fixed the problem, if you have this problem, you can try more operations