In my use case I have a RAML 1.0 library created by our R&D department that contains definition of multiple data types. Those data types are defined in a generic, parametrized manner so when I reference them in my RAML I do so using following syntax:
type: { resourceTypes.collectionWithCriteria: {itemName: reward, itemCriteria: types.RewardCriteria, itemType : types.RewardList} }
This generates proper GET request with query string defined by types.RewardCriteria
and response defined by types.RewardList
. It also generates the description for the GET resource defined as: Retrieves the list of <<itemName | !pluralize>>
, which ends up being Retrieves the list of rewards
In my RAML I would like to append additional description to my GET resource, however I 'd rather avoid overwriting library-generated one. Is that possible? I've already tried inline description and using overlay file, both of which simply replace description from the library.
You cannot append for a single value simple property.
The merging rules for traits / resource types state that the description will be replaced:
Every explicit node wins over the ones that are declared in a resource type or trait. The rest are simply merged.
Also, the merging rules of overlays and extensions states that:.
If the property is a Simple Property
If the property is a Single-value Simple Property, The property value in the identically named Current Target Tree Object property is replaced with its value from Current Extension Tree Object property.