I am creating a reusable component for Input field. I created a Boolean tag named "IsValid" inside my typescript file to show validation message.
My typescript file
export class InputControlsComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() IsValid;
@Input() className;
@Input() controlName;
@Input() inputType;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
Html File
<input type="{{inputType}}" class="{{className}}" >
<span class="error-message" *ngIf="!IsValid">This Field is required</span>
How it is being used
<app-input-controls inputType="text" controlName="Address" className="form-control" IsValid = "false">
I am able to change the value of the Boolean tag of typescript file but the error message is not changing on change of the Boolean tag.
You can use ngModel like [(IsValid)]
If you use ngModel
,your model is binding two way.
For example set your html
<app-input-validation [inputType]="'text'" [controlName]="Address" [className]="form-control" [(IsValid)]="isValidDate">
You can set isValid property on parent component whenever you want.
Only write this.isValidText=true;
Please examine example