I want to render my Django with jelatic.
I cloned my Django app on jelastic.
I configured my Postgres database and modified my settings.py so that my app is connecting to my database.
Finally to render my app I run this in the SSH : python manage.py runserver And everything seems to work :
But I get this response on my browser:
Any help will be appreciated =)
So i found out how to modify apache server file to put your own django web app on Jelastic solution:
Go to the file : /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf
Do these modification:
#---------- Put this in comment line ----------
#Alias /images /var/www/webroot/ROOT/images
#Alias /static /var/www/webroot/ROOT/static
#WSGIScriptAlias / ${WSGI_SCRIPT}
#WSGIProcessGroup apache
#---------- Add those code line ----------
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/mysite.com/mysite/wsgi.py
WSGIPythonHome /path/to/venv
WSGIPythonPath /path/to/mysite.com
<Directory /path/to/mysite.com/mysite>
<Files wsgi.py>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Alias /media/ /path/to/mysite.com/media/
Alias /static/ /path/to/mysite.com/static/
<Directory /path/to/mysite.com/static>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
<Directory /path/to/mysite.com/media>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all