
Chart.js - style legend: smaller circles

I've create a line chart with chart.js. I changed the legend symbol form from rects to circles by using:

legend: {
  display: true,
  labels: {
    usePointStyle: true,

I want to change the size of the circles. But according to the documentation this is only possible if I also change the font size:

Label style will match corresponding point style (size is based on fontSize, boxWidth is not used in this case). -

Does anyone know if there is another option to change the size? Or do I have to use generateLabels().

Here is a codePen to take a look on that.


  • You can use the boxWidth option to influence the size of the point in the legend:

    options: {
      legend: {
        labels: {
          usePointStyle: true,
          boxWidth: 6

    read the documentation of chartjs about legend