From my application I need to post images in a photo album of a Facebook Page.
Following resfb docs I'm implementing the OAuth flow. In particular I created the login url this way:
FacebookClient client = new DefaultFacebookClient(Version.VERSION_2_12);
String loginDialogUrlString = client.getLoginDialogUrl(APP_ID, REDIRECT_URL, scopeBuilder);
but now I can't understand I to create the Page Access Token.
I've tried using this:
AccessToken accessToken = client.obtainUserAccessToken(APP_ID, APP_SECRET, REDIRECT_URL, verificationCode); // verification code from the the previous login
but when I try to post contents on my page using this (USER) access token I get this error:
com.restfb.exception.FacebookOAuthException: Received Facebook error response of type OAuthException: (#210) A page access token is required to request this resource. (code 210, subcode null) 'null - null'
So, what's the correct way to obtain a PAGE access token?
NOTE I'm using this code to post the photo:
byte[] imageAsBytes = fetchBytesFromImage();
JsonObject obj = client.publish(
BinaryAttachment.with("cat.jpg", imageAsBytes, "image/jpeg"),
Parameter.with("message", "A cat")
With a FacebookClient
that was created with a user access token you can call:
Connection<Account> connection = client.fetchConnection("/me/accounts", Account.class);
and then iterate over the connection, and you can access all page access tokens of the pages the user is admin of.