
Determine which monitor the focus window is on?

Small AHK function to determine which monitor the focus window is on.

I was writing a script that needed context on which monitor the focus window was on. I found quite a few solutions, but none were too easy to follow, or were a little more complex than needed.


  • Below will get you just that. The monitor Index in AHK so you can reference it.

        ;Get number of monitor
        SysGet, monCount, MonitorCount
        ;Iterate through each monitor
        Loop %monCount%{
            ;Get Monitor working area
            SysGet, workArea, Monitor, % A_Index
            ;Get the position of the focus window
            WinGetPos, X, Y, , , A
            ;Check if the focus window in on the current monitor index
            if (X >= workAreaLeft && X < workAreaRight && Y >= workAreaTop && Y < workAreaBottom ){
                ;Return the monitor index since its within that monitors borders.
                return % A_Index

    Note Below is a modified version where the window is passed as an argument, and not the default; focus window

        ;Get number of monitor
        SysGet, monCount, MonitorCount
        ;Iterate through each monitor
        Loop %monCount%{
            ;Get Monitor working area
            SysGet, workArea, Monitor, % A_Index
            ;Get the position of the focus window
            WinGetPos, X, Y, , , %thisWindow%
            ;Check if the focus window in on the current monitor index
            if (X >= workAreaLeft && X < workAreaRight && Y >= workAreaTop && Y < workAreaBottom ){
                ;Return the monitor index since it's within that monitors borders.
                return % A_Index

    Even if this helps one more person, I'll call it a win.


    Should you need the working area (exclude the tarkbar from the working area) use this functions.

        ;Get number of monitor
        SysGet, monCount, MonitorCount
        ;Iterate through each monitor
        Loop %monCount%{
            ;Get Monitor working area
            SysGet, workArea, MonitorWorkArea , % A_Index
            ;Get the position of the focus window
            WinGetPos, X, Y, , , A
            ;Check if the focus window in on the current monitor index
            if (X >= workAreaLeft && X < workAreaRight && Y >= workAreaTop && Y < workAreaBottom ){
                ;Return the monitor index since its within that monitors borders.
                return % A_Index