
How to know the best FASSTER formula

My data structure is in the image below and has hourly intervals. I need to forecast the Demand.

# A tsibble: 23,400 x 6 [1h] <UTC>
          Date           Demand WeekDay DaysAfterHoliday Influenza MAX_Temperature
        <dttm>            <int>   <int>            <int>     <dbl>           <dbl>
 1 2017-05-01 00:00:00    122       1                0      1               19.2
 2 2017-05-02 01:00:00    124       2                1      3.04            25.3


I know that in a day after a holiday the number of patients in the ED is higher than usual but I can't make sure that the model is taking that into account. The data has daily, weekly and annual seasonality (especially for fixed holidays).

For multiple seasonality I can use FASSTER to handle holiday effects. I read the r documentation page on this and some presentation but in those cases the seasonality and the formula of the forecast is given to the function like this:

cbind(mdeaths, fdeaths) %>%
  as_tsibble %>%
  model(FASSTER(mdeaths ~ fdeaths + poly(1) + trig(12)))

# }

Is there a way to make FASSTER search the most adequate formula? If not how can I know which is the best approach?

Thank you in advance!


  • The fasster package currently doesn't provide any facilities for automatic model selection (https://github.com/tidyverts/fasster/issues/50).

    To identify an appropriate fasster model specification, you can start by graphically exploring your data to identify its structure. Some questions you may consider include:

    A simple approach to capturing the increase in patients after a holiday would be to include DaysAfterHoliday as an exogenous regressor. As this relationship is likely non-linear, you may need to also include some non-linear transformations of this variable as exogenous regressors.