have ruby 1.8.7, gem 1.3.7 and rails 3.0.6. I wanted to add xmpp4r to my project, but i got error just i require
this gem. I'm install this gem using gem install xmpp4r
. Installation seems successful.But, why error then appear?
P.S. if in console enter the irb and execute require "xmpp4r"
result will be true
P.S.S. OS is Fedora
Rails 3 uses Bundler to manage gem dependencies. When you start a rails 3 application, bundler sets up the require path to only include those gems you have specified in your Gemfile
file, and their dependencies; it's not enough to just have the gem installed on your system.
In order to get this working, simply add this line to your Gemfile
gem 'xmpp4r'