Windows 10 64-bit. PowerShell 5.1
Update zipfiles with PowerShell 5 or >. Working code looking for improvement.
1.1.txt, 1.1.3.txt and 1.txt go in
11.txt and 11.1.txt goes in,, 2.1.txt, and 2.txt go in
Update zipfiles with PowerShell 5 gci, regex, $Matches, foreach
{$_ PadLeft}, Compress-Archive, and Remove-Item
. Avg 29ms 9 files (48KB) 3 archives on ten runs.
For testing clear your desktop. There should be no .txt or .zip files on your desktop. There are 3 Remove-Item
without -whatif
or -confirm
. Makes 9 text files and three zipfiles. Working script, test script, script w/ logfile.
pushd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
gci *.txt | where BaseName -match "^(\d+)(\.\d+)*$" | group { $Matches[1] } | foreach {
$dest = 'FileGroup' + $_.Name.PadLeft(10, "0") + ".zip"
Compress-Archive $_.Group $dest -ea Stop -update
ri $_.Group}
Make test files and test:
pushd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
ni @("1.1.txt", "1.txt", "11.txt", "", "2.1.txt","2.txt") > $null
gci *.txt | where BaseName -match "^(\d+)(\.\d+)*$" | group { $Matches[1] } | foreach {
$dest = 'FileGroup' + $_.Name.PadLeft(10, "0") + ".zip"
Compress-Archive $_.Group $dest -ea Stop -update
ri $_.Group}
ni @("1.1.3.txt", "11.1.txt", "") > $null
gci *.txt | where BaseName -match "^(\d+)(\.\d+)*$" | group { $Matches[1] } | foreach {
$dest = 'FileGroup' + $_.Name.PadLeft(10, "0") + ".zip"
Compress-Archive $_.Group $dest -ea Stop -update
ri $_.Group}
Read-Host @"
Delete all FileGroup*.zip is next.
There should be nine files in three archives.
Press enter key to delete all test files
ri FileGroup*.zip
# clear-variable -name ("Matches", "dest")
Make test files, ten run loop with logfile:
If(test-path logfile031822_030657692.txt) {
Write-Output "`r`nOverwrite logfile031822_030657692.txt?`r`nPress any key to continue ... "
cmd /c pause> nul}
Write-Output "`r`nThis is $zcommandpath`r`nHow long to archive 9 text files.`r`nStarted: "((get-date).ToString('MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.ffff tt') -replace " : ", ":") | out-file -nonewline -append logfile031822_030657692.txt
$watch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
for ($zdoug=0;$zdoug -lt 10; $zdoug++){
$watch.Start() #put this at start of the loop
ni @("1.1.txt", "1.txt", "11.txt", "", "2.1.txt","2.txt") > $null
gci *.txt | where BaseName -match "^(\d+)(\.\d+)*$" | group { $Matches[1] } | foreach {
$dest = 'FileGroup' + $_.Name.PadLeft(10, "0") + ".zip"
Compress-Archive $_.Group $dest -ea Stop -update
ri $_.Group}
ni @("1.1.3.txt", "11.1.txt", "") > $null
gci *.txt | where BaseName -match "^(\d+)(\.\d+)*$" | group { $Matches[1] } | foreach {
$dest = 'FileGroup' + $_.Name.PadLeft(10, "0") + ".zip"
Compress-Archive $_.Group $dest -ea Stop -update
ri $_.Group}
$times += $watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds #this at the end
$watch.reset() }
$zLoopFinished=((get-date).ToString('MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.ffff tt') -replace " : ", ":")
# clear-variable -name ("Matches", "dest", "i")
# Read-Host @"
# Delete all FileGroup*.zip is next.
# Press enter key to delete all test files
# "@
ri FileGroup*.zip
$times | Measure-Object -sum -ave -max -min
$times | Measure-Object -sum -ave -max -min | out-file -append logfile031822_030657692.txt
Write-Output "Finished: $zLoopFinished" | out-file -append logfile031822_030657692.txt
(gc logfile031822_030657692.txt) | Where { $_.Trim(" `t") } | select-string -pattern "Property :" -notmatch | out-file logfile031822_030657692.txt
$NewLine = gc logfile031822_030657692.txt | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match ('^' + [regex]::Escape( 'Finished:' ))){ " " }}
$NewLine | Out-File logfile031822_030657692.txt -Force
This is
How long to archive 9 text files.
Started: 03/15/20 02:56:34.4380 PM
Count : 10
Average : 0.38522078
Sum : 3.8522078
Maximum : 1.6380882
Minimum : 0.2281335
Finished: 03/15/20 02:56:39.9413 PM
How to parse file path, name, basename with more than one dot with powershell.
How to parse basename to first dot.
How to use PadLeft.
How to add leading and ending zeroes to strings with PowerShell.
Update zipfiles with PowerShell 5 or greater. gci, get-childitem, regex, regular expression, regular expressions, $Matches, foreach, the current item from the pipe, $_, PadLeft, Compress-Archive, and Remove-Item. Average 29 milliseconds on 9 files (48KB) in 3 archives on ten runs.
Using Group-Object
to compress files for each group is a bit faster.
pushd $env:USERPROFILE\Desktop
ni @(
) > $null
gci *.txt | where BaseName -match "^(\d+)(\.\d+)*$" | group { $Matches[1] } | foreach {
$dest = 'FileGroup' + $_.Name.PadLeft(10, "0") + ".zip"
Compress-Archive $_.Group $dest -Update -ea Stop
ri $_.Group
Read-Host @"
Delete all FileGroup*.zip is next.
Press enterkey to delete all test files.
ri FileGroup*.zip