I am cursoring through a collection with some bad datetime data in one of the collection's documents.
mongo_query = {}
mongo_projection = {"createdAt": True} # many more date columns ommitted here
mongo_cursor = collection.find(mongo_query,
Iterating over the cursor documents:
for i in range(100):
except InvalidBSON:
I would expect the iterator to continue after the InvalidBSON error is handled but after the error, .__next__()
raises a StopIteration
error and there are no more documents left in the cursor.
I have tried accessing the documents with for doc in mongo_cursor()
as well as converting to a list list(mongo_cursor())
but everything fails in a similar way.
Is there a way of skipping over the bad data in a cursor in pymongo? Or is there a better way of handling this?
Pymongo will stop the iteration when it encounters invalid BSON. Ideally you should tidy up your invalid records rather than working around it; but maybe you don't know which are invalid?
The code below will work as stop-gap. Rather than get the full record, get just the _id
, then do a find_one()
on the record; you can put this in a try...except
to flush out the invalid records.
As an aside, you can easily reproduce an InvalidBSON error in pymongo (for testing!!) by adding a date prior to the year 0001 using the Mongo shell:
db.mycollection.insertOne({'createdAt': new Date(-10000000000000)}) // valid in pymongo
db.mycollection.insertOne({'createdAt': new Date(-100000000000000)}) // **Not** valid in pymongo
db.mycollection.insertOne({'createdAt': new Date(-100000000)}) // valid in pymongo
pymongo code:
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.errors import InvalidBSON
db = MongoClient()['mydatabase']
collection = db['mycollection']
mongo_query = {}
mongo_date_projection = {"createdAt": True} # many more date columns ommitted here
mongo_projection = {"_id": 1} # many more date columns ommitted here
mongo_cursor = collection.find(mongo_query,
for record in mongo_cursor:
record_id = record.get('_id')
item = collection.find_one({'_id': record_id}, mongo_date_projection)
except InvalidBSON:
print(f'Record with id {record_id} contains invalid BSON')
gives an output similar to:
{'_id': ObjectId('5e6e1811c7c616e1ac58cbb3'), 'createdAt': datetime.datetime(1653, 2, 10, 6, 13, 20)}
Record with id 5e6e1818c7c616e1ac58cbb4 contains invalid BSON
{'_id': ObjectId('5e6e1a73c7c616e1ac58cbb5'), 'createdAt': datetime.datetime(1969, 12, 31, 23, 43, 20)}