i'm trying to do an assignment for my class and the undo button click should reload the previous transformation applied onto the image in case i wish to go back.
The golabal variable is defined in the start of the code
function LoadimgBtn_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to LoadimgBtn (see GCBO)
[filename,pathname]=uigetfile('C:\Users\hassan\Desktop\DIP PROJECT IMGS\MonoChrome
As observed the global variable prev_img is utlized perfectly here however when i try to use the same variable in my undo code there is an error thrown that the variable does not exist.
function UndoBtn_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
I wish to utilize the same variable through the global variable method.
you need to call the global variable again in your function code
function UndoBtn_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
global prev_img % declaring a global variable "again"
Otherwise, you are overshadowing the global varibale with a local variable of the same name. (remember that you can also define function with the same name as a matlab function e.g. sum
.) The thing is, that matlab does not know, that you want the variable to be global. The same is true for persistent variables.
Once you define a global variable in your function, matlab checks if this (global) variable already exists and if it has already a value.
You may want to have a look in the matlab-docs if my explanation wasn't intuitive enough.
To clear a global variable, you need to call clearvars -global
or clear all
or clear global
- To clear a global variable from all workspaces, use clear global variable.
- To clear a global variable from the current workspace but not other workspaces, use clear variable.