I'm trying to write python code which will use LDAP module to validate LDAP connection:
import configuration
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SIMPLE, SYNC, ALL
server = Server(configuration.LDAP_SERVER, port=XXXX, get_info=ALL)
c = Connection(server, authentication=SIMPLE, user=configuration.LDAP_USER, password=configuration.LDAP_PASS, check_names=True, lazy=False, client_strategy=SYNC, raise_exceptions=False)
When running the code, I'm getting:
{'result': 49, 'description': 'invalidCredentials', 'dn': '', 'message': '80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C09042A, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v3839\x00', 'referrals': None, 'saslCreds': None, 'type': 'bindResponse'}
I'm sure the user and password I'm using are correct. can you advise what's wrong with the code?
I had to google it, but eventually, the below code worked:
import configuration
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SIMPLE, SYNC, ALL
server = Server(configuration.LDAP_SERVER, get_info=ALL)
conn = Connection(server, "CN=XXXXX,OU=XXX;OU=XXXX,OU=Users,XX=People,XX=corp,XX=[organization],XX=XXX", password=configuration.LDAP_PASS, auto_bind=False)