I've create a pretty standard linked list in python with a Node class and LinkedList class. I've also added in methods for LinkedList as follows:
I'm trying to use the addBefore method to perform an insertion, however it will not work if the insertion isn't on the head. I'm not sure why.
class Node:
def __init__(self, dataval =None):
self.dataval = dataval
self.nextval = None
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self, headval =None):
self.headval = headval
def add(self, newNode):
# The linked list is empty
if(self.headval is None):
self.headval = newNode
# Add to the end of the linked list
currentNode = self.headval
while currentNode is not None:
# Found the last element
if(currentNode.nextval is None):
currentNode.nextval = newNode
currentNode = currentNode.nextval
def addBefore(self, valueToFind, newNode):
currentNode = self.headval
previousNode = None
while currentNode is not None:
# We found the element we will insert before
if (currentNode.dataval == valueToFind):
# Set our new node's next value to the current element
newNode.nextval = currentNode
# If we are inserting at the head position
if (previousNode is None):
self.headval = newNode
# Change previous node's next to our new node
previousNode.nexval = newNode
return 0
# Update loop variables
previousNode = currentNode
currentNode = currentNode.nextval
return -1
def printClean(self):
currentNode = self.headval
while currentNode is not None:
print(currentNode.dataval, end='')
if(currentNode.nextval != None):
print("->", end='')
currentNode = currentNode.nextval
testLinkedList = LinkedList()
testLinkedList.addBefore("Wednesday", Node("Tuesday"))
You have a typo, see the #TODO below in the method addBefore:
def addBefore(self, valueToFind, newNode):
currentNode = self.headval
previousNode = None
while currentNode is not None:
# We found the element we will insert before
if (currentNode.dataval == valueToFind):
# Set our new node's next value to the current element
newNode.nextval = currentNode
# If we are inserting at the head position
if (previousNode is None):
self.headval = newNode
# Change previous node's next to our new node
previousNode.nexval = newNode #TODO: Fix Typo: nexval
return 0
# Update loop variables
previousNode = currentNode
currentNode = currentNode.nextval
return -1