
Using VCL Visual Styles and License RTF File text colour is wrong

I am trying out the VCL Visual Styles as an alternative to the skinning DLL I was previously using.

At the moment I am using the skin:

#define Skin "Carbon.vsf"

When the installer shows the RTF License file file the colouring is not as I expect:

License File

The text is black and the background dark. But the other two pages are better:

Page - Tasks

Page - Info After

I specify all my license files in the usual way in the [Languages] section:

Name: "English"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"; LicenseFile: "..\..\Inno\l.eng\LicenseEnglish.rtf"; InfoAfterFile: "..\..\Inno\l.eng\InfoAfterEnglish.rtf"

How can I set this skin to use white text for the license file (like on the other pages I have shown)? Why doesn't it do so anyway?

Ideally i would like the Visual Studio 2019 Dark Theme as the skin but don't know how to do that - separate issue!


If I try Amakrits style the license page looks like this:



Info After

So it is doing the same thing for multiple style definitions.


  • For the benefit of readers of this question I had to re-create my RTF file in WordPad. It had been created in Microsoft Word and that seems to be the reason. Either that or some other RTF encoding issue.

    Eitherway, creating the file again WordPad resolved the problem.