I`m maping through an array and reducing 50 items to 1 - their sum. That 50 items are float precision numbers. Please help, I don`t understand where in that map I should put toFixed(2), to get proper summaryIncome property instead something like this: 39990,89999999999913.
var data = [
{id: 1, incomes: [{value:1}, {value: 2}]},
{id: 2, incomes: [{value:2}, {value: 3}]}],
var summary = data.map(item => ({
summaryIncome: item.incomes.reduce((acc, income) =>
acc += income.value, 0)
To keep the sum accurate, call toFixed
after summing up all the value
var data = [
{id: 1, incomes: [{value: 0.1}, {value: 0.2}]},
{id: 2, incomes: [{value:2}, {value: 3}]},
var summary = data.map(item => ({
summaryIncome: item.incomes.reduce((acc, income) => acc + income.value, 0).toFixed(2)
To only put decimal points if necessary:
var data = [
{id: 1, incomes: [{value: 0.1}, {value: 0.2}]},
{id: 2, incomes: [{value:2}, {value: 3}]},
var summary = data.map(item => ({
summaryIncome: (() => {
const trueSum = item.incomes.reduce((acc, income) => acc + income.value, 0);
return Number.isInteger(trueSum) ? String(trueSum) : trueSum.toFixed(2);