
Button does not show icon on most Ubuntu/debian desktops

I have an app that has a play button to play audio from some local repeater: Although I want just a play/stop button, the button does not play on newer Ubuntu or a new Raspbian install. Is there something missing here, maybe related to the recent change where they set all the buttons to not show icons on buttons in GTK/Ubuntu?

button.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_stock(Gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PLAY, self.PLAYSIZE))

Is this how I should set the button to only have an icon? It works on my 16.04 setup, but button is blank on others. The code is here and app is here.


  • button.set_label('') made the button's image hide. It seems that Ubuntu and other systems do not display the icon whenever any text label is on it?