
No local help content for Win32 API

After installing VS2019 in a couple of PCs I found that I don't have local content for help viewer on Win32 API. Using "Manage Content" I verify to have "Programming reference for Windows API", but that resolves only to have local index to it. As an example, I have the function list for "winbase.h" header, with the short description, but as I click on any function name all I get is

The topic you requested was not found on your computer, but you can view the topic online.

What's wrong with it? What is the content I'm missing? I read the list of help content to add to help viewer, but looks like I don't have anything else referring to Win32/Windows API...


  • Windows Desktop App Development in Help Viewer does not contain all Win32 functions, you can try to install the old full version to fix.

    This is a useful link for you. In order to prevent the link from failing, I will list some useful information.

    Install Windows Desktop App Development 2018