I am trying to run an standard csv import from commandline. Everything works fine when working from UI, but for developers reasons I want to trigger it from commandline.
I can trigger the import job like this:
php bin/console akeneo:batch:job csv_import
But I get this error:
Job instance "csv_import" running the job "csv_attribute_import" with parameters "Array
[filePath] =>
[delimiter] => ;
[enclosure] => "
[escape] => \
[withHeader] => 1
[uploadAllowed] => 1
[invalid_items_file_format] => csv
[user_to_notify] =>
[is_user_authenticated] =>
" is invalid because of "
- Array[filePath]:
This value should not be blank. (code c1051bb4-d103-4f74-8988-acbcafc7fdc3)"
Which makes sense since I did not pass any filepath as parameter, how can I do this?
Found it!
php bin/console akeneo:batch:job -c "{\"filePath\":\"/tmp/foo.csv\"}" acme_product_import)
Found the example code in the following file line 57 (Akeneo 3.2):