
Flutter: how to use function result in multiple classes without repeating the function

I have some pages that contain dependent content, which I retrieve from an API using multiple fetch requests.

Here, getClass() and getValue() are calling API from another class, returning future.

List<dynamic> pIds, ps;
apiStart() async {
  pageIds = new List();
  siteCls = await _baseApi.getClass(siteCName);
  siteCId = siteCls.data.classId.toString();

  pageCls = await _baseApi.getClass(pageCName);
  pageCId = pageCls.data.classId.toString();

  siteIns = await _baseApi.getValue(siteCId);
  pageIns = await _baseApi.getValue(pageCId);

  pageIds = getPageIds();
  pages = getPagesData();

List getPageIds() {
  //Doing some work here
  return pIds;

List getPagesData() {
  //Doing some work here
  return ps;

Now I want to access variables like "pages" from other/multiple classes without repeating the functions. How can I do that?


This is a sample code. It return "welcome test1!". When I remove content = "test1"; from apiStart(), returns "welcome h!". Is there an issue with using the await?

class AppData {
  factory AppData() {
    return _singleton;
  static final AppData _singleton = AppData._internal();
  AppData._internal() {
    print("Instance created App-Data");

  BaseApi _baseApi = new BaseApi();

  var content = "hi";
  Future body() {
    return Future.value(content);

  void apiStart() async{
    content = "test1";//OK when I put content here 

    _ids = await _baseApi.fetchIds();
    //Does not change when I put content here
    //I need to use await because I need ids for next function
    content = "test2";  

    //Doing some work with result and get ids as list
    List id = idList();
    _pages = await _baseApi.fetchPages(id[0]);
    //Doing some work with result and get page content
    contents = contentList();

If I do something like below, it returns the "test2". But I don't know how to check if the job has finished or not; Should I add a boolean var at the end of the function and check it every seconds? Is that efficient?

Future body() {
  return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 10)).then((value) => content);

Where I run singleton

void main() {

I show part of the results like this:

class ContentWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  ContentWidget({Key key}) : super(key: key);

  _ContentWidgetState createState() => _ContentWidgetState();

class _ContentWidgetState extends State<ContentWidget> {
  Future<dynamic> futureContent;

  void initState() {
    futureContent = AppData().body();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return FutureBuilder<dynamic>(
      future: futureContent,
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.hasData) {
          return Text("Welcome ${snapshot.data}!", style: plainTextStyle);
        } else {
          //return Text("Welcome ${snapshot.error}!", style: plainTextStyle);
        // By default, show a loading spinner.
        return CircularProgressIndicator();


  • You could use a Singleton pattern to create a service class: it gives you access to this class from anywhere in your code.

    Don't over use it, because it can turn into a very messy globals-like lack of encapsulation.

    Note: this is a huge simplification, but will work. Read aroudn singletons and services to find out more.

    class ApiService {
      // next 5 lines is a typical singleton pattern
      static ApiService _singleton;
      factory ApiService() {
        return _singleton ??= new ApiService._internal();
      //here you'll keep your data
      List<dynamic> pageIds, pages; //store your data in these variables
      //run this on the beginning of your app to get your data. Don't forget this!
      void apiStart() async {
        // your code here where you hit the API and get all your data,
        // eg methods getPageIdsFromAPI and getPagesDataFromAPI that you need to write. They return your data
        //    pageIds = getPageIdsFromAPI();
        //    pages = getPagesDataFromAPI();

    then from ANYWHERE in your code you can access variables and functions from this class



    you need to decide when the waiting would happen. Either you wait for the data before you show the screen, or you show the screen in an empty/waiting mode (like facebook does) and then wait.

    to do the second one:

    void initState() { 
      WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { 
        futureContent = await AppData().body();
        setState(() { 
          // refresh whatever changed. it's a good practice to specify what 