
How to query Ravendb document size

I have a scenario in which I need to find the largest documents in my Ravendb database.

When I select any given document in Ravendb Studio, the size is displayed in the Properties section as circled in red in this screen shot:

document properties

Is there a query I can run that will order documents by this Size property so that I can identity the largest documents?


  • Maybe write a method that calculates your object size, probably using reflection.
    Then, create a static Map Index with a field 'size',
    and set it with your method that you will provide in the 'additional sources' in the index
    See https://ravendb.net/docs/article-page/4.2/Csharp/studio/database/indexes/create-map-index#additional-sources
    And then you could query this index and order-by the 'size' field

    fyi - you can get a specific document size using the following endpoint:


    Learn about ravenDB rest api in: