I am trying to write a python app that will run on raspberry pi, that will have both socket connection (socketio with uvicorn) and physical input listeners. I intend to listen for socket connection and gpio events concurrently, without blocking each other. This is what I have so far:
import uvicorn
import asyncio
from interaction.volume import VolumeControl
from system.platform_info import PlatformInfo
from connection.api_socket import app
class Api:
def __init__(self):
def initialize_volume_listener(self):
volume_controller = VolumeControl()
def start(self):
uvicorn.run(app, host='', port=5000, loop="asyncio")
import asyncio
from gpiozero import Button
from connection.api_socket import volume_up
class VolumeControl:
def __init__(self):
self.volume_up_button = Button(4)
def volume_up(self):
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(volume_up(None, None))
def start_listener(self):
self.volume_up_button.when_pressed = self.volume_up
import socketio
from system.platform_info import PlatformInfo
sio = socketio.AsyncServer(async_mode='asgi', cors_allowed_origins='*')
app = socketio.ASGIApp(sio)
async def test_connect(sid, environ):
system_info = PlatformInfo().get_info()
current_volume = 35
initial_data = {"system_info": system_info,
"settings": {"volume": current_volume}
await sio.emit('initial_data', initial_data, room=sid)
@sio.on('disconnect request')
async def disconnect_request(sid):
await sio.disconnect(sid)
async def test_disconnect(sid):
print('Client disconnected')
await sio.emit('disconnect', {'data': 'Connected', 'count': 0}, room=sid)
async def volume_up(sid, volume=None):
increased_volume = 25
await sio.emit('volume_up', {'volume': increased_volume})
async def volume_down(sid, volume=None):
decreased_volume = 25
await sio.emit('volume_down', {'volume': decreased_volume})
I have tried using asyncio, but I am kind of new on async features of python. The problem is that, I wasn't able to run the button listener continuously, so that while socket functions are in progress, I would be able to concurrently listen for button interactions, without blocking one another. The button listener does not work at all. Instead, I need the button listener to be running as long as the uvicorn app is up.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
@Miguel thank you for your answer. As you suggested, I have started the gpio in a while
loop and used asyncio.run()
command inside the loop to call the related socketio function. It works as intended. Side Note: I have started the gpio thread with param daemon=True
. This enables to quit the gpio loop as soon as I quit the main thread, which is the uvicorn server. Final code is as follows:
async def load_video(sid, video_number=3):
data = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f'sample_videos/dummy_video_{str(video_number)}.mp4'), 'rb').read()
print('Streaming video...')
await sio.emit('video_load', {'source': data}, room=sid)
class NFCListener:
reading = True
def __init__(self):
self.rdr = RFID()
util = self.rdr.util()
util.debug = True
self.listener_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.start_nfc, daemon=True)
def start_nfc(self):
selected_video = None
while self.reading:
(error, data) = self.rdr.request()
if not error:
print("\nCard identified!")
(error, uid) = self.rdr.anticoll()
if not error:
# Print UID
card_uid = str(uid[0])+" "+str(uid[1])+" " + \
str(uid[2])+" "+str(uid[3])+" "+str(uid[4])
if card_uid == "166 107 86 20 143":
if selected_video != 2:
selected_video = 2
asyncio.run(load_video(None, selected_video))
if selected_video != 3:
selected_video = 3
asyncio.run(load_video(None, selected_video))
def start_reading(self):