I have to display all current problems in my infrastructure (like in Zabbix dashboard). I would like it to look like this:
Date Host Problem info
19.03 hostsap1 Lack of free swap space
18.03 hostsmb2 Zabbix_agentd is not running!
I use problem.get
problemlist = zapi.do_request('problem.get',
"output": "extend",
"selectAcknowledges": "extend",
"recent": "true",
"sortfield": ["eventid"],
"sortorder": "DESC"
and I have the answer:
'eventid': '25644',
'source': '0',
'object': '0',
'objectid': '147717',
'clock': '2447665140',
'ns': '193586738',
'r_eventid': '0',
'r_clock': '0',
'r_ns': '0',
'correlationid': '0',
'userid': '0',
'acknowledges': []
How to ask zabbix about host name and most importantly about problem description like "Lack of free swap space"?
This snippet should do the trick:
zapi = ZabbixAPI(url=zabbixServer, user=zabbixUser, password=zabbixPass)
problems = zapi.problem.get()
for problem in problems:
trigger = zapi.trigger.get (triggerids=problem['objectid'], selectHosts='extend')
interface = zapi.hostinterface.get(hostids=trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['hostid'])
group = zapi.hostgroup.get(hostids=trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['hostid'])
enabled = "Enabled"
if (trigger[0]['hosts'][0]['status'] == "1"):
enabled = "Disabled"
print "Group:{}; Host:{}; IP:{}; Problem:{}; {}".format(group[1]['name'],
enabled )
Of course, you can omit the group and hostinterface api call if you don't need them