- shell: "echo 'hi'"
register: output
- shell: "ps -ef"
register: output
when: output.stdout =="hello"
- debug: var=output
The final output variable is defined as below:
TASK [Display output] **********************************************************
ok: [localhost] =>
"changed": false,
"skip_reason": "Conditional check failed",
"skipped": true
Even though the task 2 is skipped, the variable gets registered. How can I skip the register if the condition is not met?
Register both outcomes as output1 and output2. Use 'set_fact' to set a new variable 'output' according to your condition.
- shell: "echo 'hi'"
register: output1
- shell: "ps -ef"
register: output2
- set_fact:
output: "{{ output2 if output2.stdout =='hello' | default(output1)}}"
- debug: var=output