
Different colors for one series bar in p:chart

I have trouble making this work.

I have one HorizontalBarChartModel with only one series. I tried some solutions found here but none worked for me.

This is the part of method that creates my chart on bean:

ChartSeries estadosSeries = new ChartSeries();
    for (EstadoIniciativaEnum estado : distinctEstados) {
        int value = getIniciativaService().countIniciativasByAnoAndEstadoAndEstrategica(ano, getOrganismoAtual(), estado, estrategica).intValue();
        estadosSeries.set(estado.getDescricao(), value);

        if (value > maxValue)
            maxValue = value;

    if (distinctEstados.isEmpty()) {
        estadosSeries.set(getMessage("sgii.home.chart.empty"), 0);



And this is my page:

 <p:chart id="idPieIniciativaEstado" type="bar" model="#{chartBean.horizontalBarModel}"
        <p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{chartBean.goToPesquisarFromTotal}"/>
            function chartExtender() {
                // this = chart widget instance
                // this.cfg = options
                this.cfg.seriesDefaults.rendererOptions.varyBarColor = true;

And as you can see, I continue having the same trouble: chart_pic

How can I change the colors having only one series on chart?


  • I found what ive had doing wrong. I had one attribute:


    marked as true on the chart object from bean. When i remove this, the solution of extender works.

    Thanks for your help and sorry for make you losing time with an dumb question.