Hello I want To Use Multiple Patterns With Different Ratio . Can Any One Help Me to Sort Out This . I Can Use Use Multiple Markers With Different Ratio But I Am Not Able To Use Multiple Markers With Dirrerent Ration .
Like Pattern One (Hiro) - HIRO ( Which has ratio of 0.50 by default),
Pattern Two (Custom QR Code) With Ratio 0.75 - PATTERN,
Tag <a-scene arjs="patternRatio: 0.75">
<a-marker type="pattern" preset="hiro" vidhandler="target: #vid1">
vidhandler="target: #vid2"
Glitch : Multi Pattern Code
I think that actually it is not possible, because is not implemented. You could add as you did patternRatio
to the <a-scene>
but this will add the same patternRatio to all markers in the scene. You could add PatternRatio to the a-marker component inside the component-anchor.js in this way:
AFRAME.registerPrimitive('a-marker', AFRAME.utils.extendDeep({}, AFRAME.primitives.getMeshMixin(), {
defaultComponents: {
'arjs-anchor': {},
'arjs-hit-testing': {},
mappings: {
'type': 'arjs-anchor.type',
'size': 'arjs-anchor.size',
'url': 'arjs-anchor.patternUrl',
'patternRatio': 'arjs-anchor.patternRatio', // add this line !
'value': 'arjs-anchor.barcodeValue',
'preset': 'arjs-anchor.preset',
'min-confidence': 'arjs-anchor.minConfidence',
'marker-helpers': 'arjs-anchor.markerhelpers',
'smooth': 'arjs-anchor.smooth',
'smooth-count': 'arjs-anchor.smoothCount',
'smooth-tolerance': 'arjs-anchor.smoothTolerance',
'smooth-threshold': 'arjs-anchor.smoothThreshold',
'hit-testing-render-debug': 'arjs-hit-testing.renderDebug',
'hit-testing-enabled': 'arjs-hit-testing.enabled',
you should rebuild the lib before using, run: npm install
and then npm run build
in the main AR.js folder. I have not tested the code so i can not sure that this code works. BTW it will be nice to add such a feature...