
What data do I need to store for OAuth2 server-to-server communication?


My application is getting data from many different sources (APIs) and aggregating across them. So the user logs via OAuth2 into the source once and afterward I continuously make calls to the source.

I am using thephpleague/oauth2-client to connect to different services, I also use provider packages build on top to connect to different websites. I have absolutely no issue there.

Once I authenticate I get an League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken instance.

Current situation

Right now for storage, I do a json_encode on the AccessToken instance and store the resulting unstructured string. To load it, I json_decode and create a new instance via the constructor. Not really interesting.

The question

If I wanted to store the access token(the OAuth response in general) a structured way, what data would I need? What do I need to persist for server-to-server communication? The specific items and their types? I am trying to figure out the data model for storing many different providers.


  • #Sources The sources for the answer are 2 fold:

    1. The RFC: - Given the RFC the fields are:

    The RFC stipulates that The client MUST ignore unrecognized value names in the response., however in the example, they provide in this section, they include a previously undefined value name.

    1. The library mentioned: - Given the constructor:

    Whatever else is passed into the constructor is treated as extra data.
