Is there any way to synchronously execute a thread made with Lwt library?
To be specific, I am trying to run a series of post requests to a server that compute some value and returns a result.
Based on answers provided to this question:
How do I make a simple GET request in OCaml?
I can make it with either low level approach (sockets) or using the Cohttp library.
The low level approach has the advantage of being immediate and straightforward but I would rather stick to the Cohttp (no need for read/write loop etc.). Unfortunately I am completely new to the Lwt and based on:
I understand that the only way to get result from a t
to a
is to run
which is suppose to be invoked at top level which is not an option for me.
Is there any way get a result from:
Client.get (Uri.of_string "http://localhost:8080/res")
without calling
or is calling
for each request (deep inside a code) not so bad idea ?
You can call
deep inside the program, provided the call is not nested inside an outer call to
. It sounds like it won't be nested in your case, so you can call it where you make the request.