I am trying to add sorting to my table. I am trying to avoid reformatting the json with columns: [{}].
Instead, I would like to add the sorting option directly in the MDBTable data.
Is this possible? Or can I specify the columns to the MDBTable?
The below code works fine, but the columns are not sortable.
render() {
return (
<h1 className="text-center">Coronastatistik för sverige</h1>
<th>Fall per 100 000 invånare</th>
<th>Procent av fall i Sverige</th>
{this.state.regions.map(region => (
<td>{region.Procent} %</td>
To be able to sort a MDBTable first you have to do it as a MDBDataTable. Then in my case I had to create the json object with the data it needs. For me the messy part was to understand how to build a suitable json object. But after that the table was no problem.
This requires an object in this format
data: {
columns: [{
label: 'Name',
field: 'name',
sort: 'asc',
width: 150 }],
rows: [
name: 'Tiger Nixon',
position: 'System Architect',
office: 'Edinburgh',
age: '61',
date: '2011/04/25',
salary: '$320'
Then you return the MDBDataTable
return (