
Disable drag drop record in kanban odoo12

i want the user to only view the opportunities by its stages in kanban view and not to change the stages ? And disable sorting columns (stages) All solutions i found for other versions 7 , 10 and 13 not odoo version12


  • According to kanban view documentation, to disable editing stages you can set group_edit option to false on kanban tag.

    <kanban ... group_edit="false">

    To disable column sorting I did not find an option, it seems that the renderer (_renderGrouped) only checks if the stage field is of type many2one, so I added a new option to enable or disable column sorting.

    var KanbanRenderer = require('web.KanbanRenderer');
        _setState: function (state) {
            var self = this;
            if (this.arch.attrs.sortable) {
                this.columnOptions = _.extend(self.columnOptions, {
                    sortable: this.arch.attrs.sortable === 'true',
            if (this.arch.attrs.disable_drag_drop_record) {
                if (this.arch.attrs.disable_drag_drop_record=='true') {
                    this.columnOptions.draggable = false;
        _renderGrouped: function (fragment) {
            this._super.apply(this, arguments);
            if (this.columnOptions.sortable===false) {
                // remove previous sorting

    Set sortable attribute to false in kanban view:

    <kanban ... sortable="false" disable_drag_drop_record="true">