I'm trying to get the commit information details in the Cypress Dashboard. I haven't been able to accomplish just yet, but I have made some advances though...
I'll describe what I have done so far:
npm install --save @cypress/commit-info
file like so:const { commitInfo } = require('@cypress/commit-info');
module.exports = on => {
on('file:preprocessor', file => {
Now I get all the information, author, branch, commit & message, in the terminal!:) However, I still don't have the information details linked to my Cypress Dashboard.
This is what I currently get:
What're the next steps? The documentation is not clear to me...
In our case we run everything inside a docker container. We copy our code into the container but do not copy the .git directory, it's large, time consuming, and we don't need it. @cypress/commit-info
assumes there is a .git directory, so since there isn't, it doesn't work.
We overcame this by setting the values cypress expects explicitly in the cypress run command in our Jenkinsfile
def commitMessage = sh(script:"git log --format=%B -n 1 ${env.GIT_COMMIT}", returnStdout:true).trim()
def commitAuthor = sh(script:"git log --format='%an' -n 1 ${env.GIT_COMMIT}", returnStdout:true).trim()
def commitEmail = sh(script:"git log --format='%ae' -n 1 ${env.GIT_COMMIT}", returnStdout:true).trim()
// call cypress however you do and include cypressVars as part of the command