I have created over time several toolchains, for several apps, in my IBM Cloud environment. In the end I only kept a couple of APPS.
So now when I go to IAM > API Keys > IBM Cloud API keys I have a dozen of keys labelled: "API Key for APPX" or "DevEx API Key2019-10-07T11:49:21.641"
Now I would like to clean this up to avoid having keys left open.
My issue: I can't find anywhere in the toolchains themselves any reference to the API key. I only could insert the API key at the toolchain creation. So I thought of just recreating new keys, but here again, how can I update a API key in a toolchain?
Allow me to extend my question a little:
THe key present in the devops service is a "IBM cloud user key". It is global to the platform and depends on the user that created it. It seems that if I remove that user the key probably disappears too.
So instead IBM recommend to change it for a Service ID Key. So I created one service ID Key. But I can't figure out the "access rule" to be equivalent to the "platform" (like the previous key). In particular, what should be the "service instance". I tried leaving "any instance" "any region".
But when I change the key in the devops service (in my "staging" stage), it says "No available organisation" and "no available space".
Am I doing smtg wrong or is there no way to use a service ID key there?
You can update the API key as part of the environment variables for the pipeline. The API key typically is needed for the DEPLOY stage.