First post and apologies in advance for being a complete and utter newb. I have inherited something which I'm just trying to hack a solution for, I have zero knowledge in it. I have searched the forum and believe to have found a part-answer (sed command) however, I'm hitting an issue in getting it to run successfully.
I need for this to run on a Windows box and it was used previous for a simple replace in a .csv file, I now need to insert a header row instead.
I have a 'fixit.cmd' file, which contains this;
set batdir=C:\Sed\filepath\batch
set impdir=C:\Sed\filepath\import
set filename=xxx
:: to read as parameter, uncomment next line
:: set filename=%1
cscript //NoLogo %batdir%\sed.vbs 1i"ABC,123" < %impdir%\%filename%.csv > %impdir%\%filename%_fixed.csv
I have a 'sed.vbs' file, which contains this;
Dim pat, patparts, rxp, inp
pat = WScript.Arguments(0)
patparts = Split(pat,"/")
Set rxp = new RegExp
rxp.Global = True
rxp.Multiline = False
rxp.Pattern = patparts(1)
Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
inp = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
WScript.Echo rxp.Replace(inp, patparts(2))
When I run the 'fixit.cmd' I receive the error;
sed.vbs(7, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Subscript out of range: '[number: 1]'
I'm assuming that points towards the 'sed.vbs' content only supportng the previous replace and / or my header row insert string being incorrect.
What amendments do I need to make within the 'sed.vbs' content and / or my header row insert string to successfully insert a header row?
Would really appreciate any / all support.
Change your batch file like this:
set "batdir=C:\Sed\filepath\batch"
set "impdir=C:\Sed\filepath\import"
set "filename=xxx"
REM to read as parameter, uncomment next line
REM set filename=%1
>%temp%\header.txt echo ABC,123
copy /b "%temp%\header.txt" + "%impdir%\%filename%.csv" "%impdir%\%filename%_fixed.csv"
The VBS file is not needed anymore.
Some notes on the changes I made:
command (prevents from stray spaces or some special charsREM
. ::
is a malformed label (which works in most cases, but will bite you on some occasions.The line >%temp%\header.txt echo ABC,123
creates a file with the header line.
The copy
command concatenates the two files (header and your file),as @luciole75w already wrote in a comment.