This is a follow up to this question: How to synchronously execute an Lwt thread
I am trying to run the following piece of code:
open Lwt
open Cohttp_lwt_unix
let server_content2 x =
"in server content x" |> print_endline ;
Client.get (Uri.of_string ("http://localhost:8080/"^x)) >>= fun (_, body) ->
(Cohttp_lwt.Body.to_string body) >|= fun sc -> sc
let reyolo () =
List.init 10 (fun i -> server_content2 (string_of_int i) ) ;;
let par () =
let yolo = reyolo () in
"in par" |> print_endline;
(fun p -> "before run" |> print_endline ; "content:"^( p) |> print_endline ; "after run" |> print_endline )
(Parmap.L yolo);;
par ()
I expected this to perform 10 remote connections.
What I get is in par function
seems to stuck before doing an actual remote call.
I doubt it might be of any significance but the server that suppose to respond is made in python and looks like this:
import subprocess
from bottle import run, post, request, response, get, route
@route('/<path>',method = 'GET')
def process(path):
return "yolo"
run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True)
The issue is that the calls to server_content2
, which start the requests, occur in the parent process. The code then tries to finish them in the child processes spawned by Parmap
. Lwt breaks here: it cannot, in general, keep track of I/Os across a fork
If you store either thunks or arguments in the list yolo
, and delay the calls to server_content2
so that they are done in the child processes, the requests should work. To do that, make sure the calls happen in the callback of Parmap.pariter