ASP.NET Core 3.0 Web API - controller method not hit

I am new to ASP.NET Core Web API - this is my controller method:

public IActionResult LeadCreate([FromBody]CRM_Lead Lead)
    // do stuff

This is my json:

   "RegionID": "1",
   "RunningNo": "1633",
   "CardName": "Google Pte Limited",
   "Telephone": "65748394",
   "Mobile": "89349859",
   "Fax": "47850555",
   "Email": "",
   "ROC": "28IO45h44",
   "OwnerEmail": ""

enter image description here

Please advise me!


  • Update your route to


    Your route is currently set to [Route("Createnewlead")] which will translate to route https://localhost:5001/createnewlead but you are calling https://localhost:5001/api/sap/createnewlead

    or alternatively, post to


    In your example, you are setting a route per action, instead you can also set a route per Controller, for example

    public class MyController: Controller 


    public class MyController: Controller 


    public class MyController: Controller 

    It all depends on what you want your routing to look like