
Is it possible to use GtkPopover while writing a xfce4 panel plugin

I am trying to write a plugin for xfce4 panel. It should show a popup with complex container like GtkBox.

My code in vala is:

using Xfce;

public class ButtonPlugin : Xfce.PanelPlugin {
    private Gtk.MenuButton button;
    private Gtk.Popover popover;
    public override void @construct () {

        button = new Gtk.MenuButton();
        popover = new Gtk.Popover(button);

            new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (
        var menu_container = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
        menu_container.pack_start(new Gtk.Label("Hello World 1"));
        menu_container.pack_start(new Gtk.Label("Hello World 2"));
        menu_container.pack_start(new Gtk.Label("Hello World 3"));
        popover.show_all ();
        button.popover = popover;
        add (button);
        // ();

        add_action_widget (button);

        save.connect (() => { message ("save yourself"); });
        free_data.connect (() => { message ("free yourself"); });
        size_changed.connect (() => { message ("panel size changed"); return false; });

        menu_show_about ();
        about.connect (() => {
                Gtk.show_about_dialog (null,
                    "program-name", "Button",
                    "comments", "Test plugin for the Xfce 4.14 Panel",
        destroy.connect (() => { Gtk.main_quit (); });

public Type xfce_panel_module_init (TypeModule module) {
    return typeof (ButtonPlugin);

The plugin starts, but doesn't show the popover when clicked.

Is it possible using Popover or should I switch to another widget ?


  • From what I understand, no, popovers won't work in Xfce panel plugins.

    Take a look at this gist:

    The standalone app shows the popover correctly, but try making the window as small as the button, there is no room left for the popover, that's the same problem in a panel plugin. If I'm not mistaken context menus work because they are completely new windows while popover aren't.

    In the same gist you can find a diff against xfce4-sample-plugin with code similar to what you are trying.