<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
<meta property="twitter:title" content="Website's title">
<meta property="twitter:description" content="Lorem ipsum dol sor em convectur">
<meta property="twitter:image" content="styles/assetsOptimized/ourStory/StoreFront.jpeg">
<meta property="twitter:url" content="https://website.com/">
Twitter card validation shows as follows:
Everything shows in the card except the image.
I have tried:
<meta property="twitter:image" content="https://styles/assetsOptimized/ourStory/StoreFront.jpeg">
These are the Open Graph Meta tags that work for Facebook, placed above the twitter tags(referencing the 11 meta tags found in the twitter validation - viewport, http-equiv
<meta property="og:title" content="Website's title">
<meta property="og:description" content="Lorem ipsum dol sor em convectur">
<meta property="og:image" content="styles/assetsOptimized/ourStory/ourStoryStoreFront.jpeg">
<meta property="og:url" content="https://website.com/">
a relative URL to the image will not work on Twitter with Twitter Cards. You need to include the fully-qualified domain for the site:
<meta property="twitter:image" content="https://website.com/styles/assetsOptimized/ourStory/StoreFront.jpeg">