I'm a newbie in docker and planning to automate a docker server using python. Hence I need to know how to check whether the docker is up or not, the container is up or not, server disk space utilization and so on. I need some hints to proceed.
you can use:
import docker
client = docker.from_env() # to connect using the default socket or the configuration in your environment
[<Container: ab0744e975>, <Container: 0acce75faa>]
the above output is just an example from my pc that shows that docker is running and there are 2 containers
or you can use
from the docs:
Display system-wide information. Identical to the docker info command.
Returns: The info as a dict Return type: (dict)
Raises: docker.errors.APIError – If the server returns an error.
to check if the system is responsive you can use