
Neo4j ETL Tool: Connection failed. SQL state: S0001

I'm trying to utilize Neo4j ETL Tool to Import Data From My SQL Server Database into the Neo4j Graph Database. I also enabled TCP/IP 1433 Port in SQL Server 2019 Configuration Manager and Authorized it by Firewall and Imported Suitable mssql-jdbc-8.2.2.jre8 file for JDBC Driver option. I already set

Connection name: test
Type: MSSQL 
Database: my_database_name
Schema: my_db_schema 

and here is my connection URL:


I set all of the options fines but When I aim to Test and Save the connection I encounter with this weird error:

Connection failed. SQL state: S0001, message: Login failed for user ''. ClientConnectionId:33b259b2-650a-4017-94fa-b86cfc657c9e

and My SQL Server Services are all run in the background among them:

do you have any idea to run the job?


  • If you did not create any user in TSQLV4 database, just put the integratedSecurity=true at the end of your jdbc connection string like below:
