
USSD respons fails in flutter : messege PlatformException(ussd_plugin_ussd_response_failed, USSD_RETURN_FAILURE, null)

I am trying to make silent USSD request, I am using Ussd_Serivece & Sim_Service package for this in flutter.

any time I try to make a request it throws this exception: (error! Code: ussd_plugin_ussd_response_failed - messege PlatformException(ussd_plugin_ussd_response_failed, USSD_RETURN_FAILURE, null)).

here is a code of my function:

    makeRequest() async {
  String code = '*221#';
  SimData data = await SimService.getSimData;

  try {
    String ussdRespMessege = await UssdService.makeRequest(, '211#');
    print('Succes! messege: $ussdRespMessege');
  } catch (e) {
    print('error! Code: ${e.code} -  messege $e');

I already handled permissions.


  • plugin author here.
    It looks like the second parameter than you are passing to makeRequest is missing a *, so it is expected that you are getting an error.
    Try to replace it with

    String ussdRespMessege = await UssdService.makeRequest(
  , "*211#");

    and it should work fine