I am writing a program in C that will do some logic, but at the moment i am just trying to test that the inputs are being saved correctly. str is supposed to store one of the menu options listed, the unsigned int hex is supposed to store a hex value, and the int is storing a decimal value.
Below is the code:
int main()
char str[2];
unsigned int hex;
int decimal;
printf("Choose an Option (C, M, Q, S, V): ");
scanf("%s", &str);
printf("Enter a value for x: ");
scanf("%u", &hex);
printf("Enter a value for n: ");
printf("Testing: %s, %u, %d\n",str,hex,decimal);
return 0;
When I compile it on my terminal it gives me no errors, and it even runs through all the inputs i ask of it. The output looks like this:
Enter a value for x: 1
Enter a value for n: 1
Segmentation fault: 11
Why am I getting segmentation fault 11? Any help is appreciated.
is not needed here:
scanf("%s", &str);
And &
is needed here: