
Neteller paysafe api: Can I create a payment handle without specifying the consumer?

SO, i'm creating a payment handler and I redirect to the given payment_url.

In order to create the payment handler (and get the payment_url), I must specify the consumerId in the request body, ex createPaymentHandler request:

"merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-201",
"transactionType": "PAYMENT",
"neteller": {
"consumerId": "",
"paymentType": "NETELLER",
"amount": 500,
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"returnLinks": [{
        "rel": "default",
        "href": "",


ex createPaymentHandleResponse

  "id": "82d57742-e2db-48ea-a726-a60e6f8265a3",
  "paymentType": "NETELLER",
  "paymentHandleToken": "PHQhlWpTRKzBXubN",
  "merchantRefNum": "5493aaf1a1d6dd13d2b53412f0ec",
  "currencyCode": "USD",
"links": [
          "rel": "redirect_payment",
          "href": ""
      "dupCheck": true,
      "status": "INITIATED",
      "liveMode": true,
      "usage": "SINGLE_USE",
      "action": "REDIRECT",
      "executionMode": "SYNCHRONOUS",
      "amount": 500,
      "billingDetails": {
        "street": "George Street",
        "street2": "3 Edgar Buildings",
        "city": "Bath",
        "zip": "BA1 2FJ",
        "country": "GB"
      "customerIp": "",
      "timeToLiveSeconds": 899,
      "gatewayResponse": {
        "orderId": "ORD_0d676b4b-0eb8-4d78-af25-e41ab431e325",
        "totalAmount": 3599,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "status": "pending",
        "lang": "en_US",
        "processor": "NETELLER"
      "neteller": {
        "consumerId": "",
        "detail1Description": "description",
        "detail1Text": "Details 1 text"
      "returnLinks": [
          "rel": "default",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "on_completed",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "on_failed",
          "href": ""
      "txnTime": "2019-01-24T10:39:50Z",
      "updatedTime": "2019-01-24T10:39:50Z",
      "statusTime": "2019-01-24T10:39:50Z"

When I redirect to the payment_url the email field is already filled with the consumerId ("") and it's readonly.

checkout example

The thing is, I should not parse an email, because anyone could login from a different one to their Neteller account.

Is there any other way to get the payment url without parsing the consumerId?

Thanks in advance!


  • There is a new feature recently added where you can pass consumerIdLocked=false as part of the neteller request object. This will allow edits to the email field once the checkout page renders.

    Documentation can be found here:

        "merchantRefNum": "merchantRefNum-201",
        "transactionType": "PAYMENT",
        "neteller": {
            "consumerId": "",
            "consumerIdLocked": false
        "paymentType": "NETELLER",
        "amount": 500,
        "currencyCode": "EUR",
        "returnLinks": [
                "rel": "default",
                "href": "",