
Troubles with select.list()

I was trying to generate a dialog box where a user can select elements to keep, however the item I want to keep is a character but it looks like R is giving them numeric values based on their alphabetical rank. Here's an example (I would prefer the list in the dialog box to be 1:Red, 2:Yellow, 3: Blue instead it's giving me 2, 3, 1):


c<-c("red", "yellow", "blue")


answer<-tk_select.list(df$c, preselect = NULL, multiple = TRUE,
            title = "Select items to keep:")

selected_df<-filter(df, c %in% answer)



  • We can create the data.frame as

    df <- data.frame(x, y, c, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    With this, the output of selected_df is

    #  x y   c
    #1 1 7 red

    NOTE: stringsasfactors is not equal to stringsAsFactors. So, the character columns remain as factor class

    str(as.data.frame(cbind(x,y,c),stringsasfactors=FALSE) )
    # 'data.frame': 3 obs. of  3 variables:
    #$ x: Factor w/ 3 levels "1","2","5": 1 2 3
    #$ y: Factor w/ 3 levels "2.2","7","8": 2 1 3
    #$ c: Factor w/ 3 levels "blue","red","yellow": 2 3 1

    Also, as.data.frame(cbind, would have unnecessary issues as cbind returns a matrix and matrix can have only a single class i.e. all the columns are converted to character class because the values in 'c' are character. When we use as.data.frame with stringsAsFactors = FALSE, it does create character class but numeric columns should remain numeric