
How to check the depth of every object field in Javascript

I have a navigation function in my React Native app, that outputs to the console all the arguments passed to it in the developer's mode, and sometimes i sent a big store to the arguments and it can not be output. Get the error about the cyclic object reference, because the object is very deep. Therefore I decided to create a function that will check all the fields of the object and depends on it will output the information to the console, for example if the object filed is deeper than 1 level.

const notDeepObj = {
   name: 'John',
   surname: 'Robert',
   age: 28,
   family: false,
const deepObj = {
  name: 'John',
  surname: 'Robert',
  bankAccount: {
    accounts: 2,
    cash: true,
    credit false,
    wasCreated: {
      city: 'New-York',
      date: '12.02.2020.',
function checkDepthOfObject(obj){}

In the case of not deep object it has to return the object itself like this:

//it will return:
   name: 'John',
   surname: 'Robert',
   age: 28,
   family: false,

And in the case of the deep object it has to return all not deep fields and plus the flag for the deep field of the object:

//it will return:
   name: 'John',
   surname: 'Robert',
   bankAccount: '[DEEP_OBJECT]'

Can you recommend me please the best way how can I do it.


  • Use Object.entries and map and check for typeof value.

    const notDeepObj = {
      name: "John",
      surname: "Robert",
      age: 28,
      family: false
    const deepObj = {
      name: "John",
      surname: "Robert",
      bankAccount: {
        accounts: 2,
        cash: true,
        credit: false,
        wasCreated: {
          city: "New-York",
          date: "12.02.2020."
    function checkDepthOfObject(obj) {
      return Object.fromEntries(
        Object.entries(obj).map(([key, value]) => [
          typeof value === "object" ? "[DEEP_OBJECT]" : value