I tested below queries using Databricks with Apache Spark 2.4:
create temporary view temp_view_t
as select 1 as no, 'aaa' as str;
insert into temp_view_t values (2,'bbb');
And then I got this error message.
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: Inserting into an RDD-based table is not allowed.;; 'InsertIntoTable Project [1 AS no#824, aaa AS str#825], false, false +- LocalRelation [col1#831, col2#832]
My questions are
Thank you.
We can't
insert data into the temporary table but we can mimic the insert with union all
(or) union
(to remove duplicates).
#create temp view
spark.sql("""create or replace temporary view temp_view_t as select 1 as no, 'aaa' as str""")
spark.sql("select * from temp_view_t").show()
#| no|str|
#| 1|aaa|
#union all with the new data
spark.sql("""create or replace temporary view temp_view_t as select * from temp_view_t union all select 2 as no, 'bbb' as str""")
spark.sql("select * from temp_view_t").show()
#| no|str|
#| 1|aaa|
#| 2|bbb|
#to eliminate duplicates we can use union also.
spark.sql("""create or replace temporary view temp_view_t as select * from temp_view_t union select 1 as no, 'aaa' as str""")
spark.sql("select * from temp_view_t").show()
#| no|str|
#| 1|aaa|
#| 2|bbb|