
Any way to create a copy of my document of Google Sheets with query-importrange function without returns a message error?

I've made a query function with importrange function on Google Sheets. The problem is when I try to make a copy of that document for share then in the copied file returns

"No_Column: Col2".

I've no idea how to solve this issue.

  { IMPORTRANGE("url", "'Parte 1'!A1:AH");
    IMPORTRANGE("url", "'Parte 2'!A1:AH");
    IMPORTRANGE("url", "'Parte 3'!A1:AH");
    IMPORTRANGE("url", "'Parte 4'!A1:AH")
  }, "Select Col2, Col1, Col34, Col24, Col3, Col4, Col5, Col6, Col11, Col7, Col8, 
             Col9, Col10, Col12, Col13, Col14, Col15, Col20, Col21, Col22, Col23 
      Where Col10="&$C$1&" 
        And Col22 != 'Duplicado'")

Here's the formula for my query


  • if you make a new copy of your spreadsheet file then links between your new spreadsheet and all importranges are not valid. you need to allow access for each importrange and only after that you can use your formula which is correctly written.

    bonus fact: if importrange formula is not linked it returns #N/A error. that means that your query returns column of #N/A errors. eg it's only one single column so requesting any other column than Col1 will result in query error you getting now