I am trying to upload a set of customized entity types and subtypes for a WKS instance.
Here is a view of WKS interface in the section where you can define entities and sub-entities.
The upload button requests a json file.
I previously created a set by hand, and downloaded the json file.
The first rows of it are the following:
In general the content structure is clear, but there are IDs both for the set of entities and contents.
I wonder if there is a way to know in advance, or to generate these IDs, so I can generate the whole json with the types and subtypes I want to use, and later upload it.
I tried using "" in place of IDs, but got an error message and upload was not allowed.
WKS does not support importing the customized json files which are different from what is exported from WKS workspace according to document. However, as far as I tried, UUID could be a valid id
field value, generated by following bash command.
$ uuidgen | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'