I am using CURL commands in shell script file to download .apk file from one place and load it to another
wget -c https://example.net -O abc.apk
securityToken="Actual Token"
curl -X POST -T "$source" "$url"
But I am not getting any error and even file is not getting uploaded.
When I run from VM I get:
{"errorMessage":"Failed to upload repository item - Value true) for overwrite parameter is not a valid boolean value."}
Note: Target URL is the Perfecto URL.
Our Perfecto curl documentation is here.
I was able to upload a sample apk file with curl as follows:
curl -X POST -T "abc.apk" "https://${CLOUD_NAME}.perfectomobile.com/services/repositories/media/PRIVATE:abc/abc.apk?operation=upload&securityToken=${YOUR-SECURITY-TOKEN}&overwrite=true"
Note: CLOUD_NAME is your exact cloud name. E.g. demo is the cloud name of https://demo.perfectomobile.com cloud url.
Kindly raise a support case by following here in case you get any issues with curl/ any Perfecto questions in general.