I am using Azure Graph API Explorer. I want to query the apps list in a tenant. I am user in tenant_x (where user was originally created) as well as admin in tenant_y (created later with my user). I understand that when I log in I go directly in the origin tenant (so tenant_x) therefore Graph Explorer does not allow me to query tenant_y. So as admin of tenant_y I have added a new user in tenant_y. I log in now with that user but still I am not able to query the applications that are in tenant_y. So how can I query apps in tenant_y? Is there a way? thanks.
The API I am calling (with new user log-in) to first retrieve all applications:
Response is:
"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#applications",
"value": []
Of course I have apps in that tenant.
Based on our communication, you have used a personal account as guest of tenant_y to query the apps list in tenant_y.
Unfortunately, Microsoft Graph Explorer will not recognize your personal account as a guest user. It will still treat it as a personal account.
So it will query the apps list for the personal account rather than tenant_y.
So now you have two choices:
{your tenant}
endpoint rather than common
endpoint while
requesting the access token. And you should use another tool (for
example Postman) instead of Microsoft Graph Explorer.Update:
You can modify the permissions in Microsoft Graph Explorer like this:
Click on the "modify permissions" under your username in Microsoft Graph Explorer and check the Directory.Read.All